C.A.R.P Ottawa recently submitted its Brief to the Independent Long-term Care COVID-19 Commission and has requested an interview with the Commissioners.
Its recommendation is that the Ontario Government bring about transformative culture change in its LTC homes by ensuring an incremental approach according to specific timelines and targets. Accountability structures to be put in place for every long-term care home in order to adopt one of the existing innovative models of care. Staff and volunteers (working conditions; recruitment and retention), education/training, infrastructure, inspections, and families/caregivers are all critical elements of transformative culture change that need to be reformed.
The implementation of transformative culture change in Ontario’s LTC homes will require the Provincial Government to:
– Demonstrate the leadership and commitment necessary to implement transformative culture change in Ontario’s LTC home system by adopting one of the four innovative models of transformative culture change.
– Implement the recommendations of the Ontario Ministry’s Long-term Care Staffing Study including the allocation of necessary resources to providers of LTC homes.
–Revise the Design Manual for LTC homes to achieve transformative culture change – small, home-like environments, single and double rooms with private bathrooms, and shorten the timeline for the requirement for homes to meet the most recent design standards.
–Utilize reports from LTC home inspections and data to guide timely improvements to the Ontario LTC home system and to support providers of LTC homes in utilization of data.
–Assert the role and value of families and caregivers as part of the community in the home through timely and up-to-date communication protocols, particularly when a crisis such as the current pandemic occurs and require the same of LTC home providers.
If you support C.A.R.P. Ottawa’s recommendation for a transformative culture change in Ontario’s long-term care homes, please contact your local MPP and make your view known or write directly to Ontario’s Independent Long-term Care COVID-19 Commission at info@LTCcommission-commissionSLD.ca.
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