Election 2025: Support Long-Term Care!

The Hover Green House, copied with permission

CARP Advocacy Working Group on Long-term Care continues to advocate to greatly improve the life of residents living in Long Term Care by changing long-term care homes from ‘institutions to homes’.   We invite your support by calling or emailing your Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) to seek their position on the urgently needed change in Long Term Care and ask, if they are elected on February 27th, 2025, will the candidate work to make this a reality.

The Question:

Whereas:         Ontario’s Long-term Care COVID-19 Commission recommended that the Ontario government promote and fund long-term care homes that change to recognized, emotion-based models of care;

Whereas:         Ontario’s Long-term Care COVID-19 Commission recommended creating smaller-self-contained home-like units within existing and new homes;

Whereas:         The National Institute on Aging (NIA) is calling on all levels of government to invest in small care homes;

Whereas:         The Ontario Ministry is embarking on a pilot project to fund emotion-based training in 15 LTC homes.

Will you promote the transformation of LTC homes from institutions to homes, and provide the necessary funding for small care homes that embrace warm, compassionate places where residents can truly live, and staff are valued?

For more information or questions please see our webpage www.changeltcnow.ca

or contact one of the members of the CARP Advocacy Working Group on Long-term Care:
Carol Dueck: carol.dueck@gmail.com;
Vicki Iler: victoriailer96@gmail.com;
Barbara Schulman: bschulman@rogers.com

We look forward to hearing from you!


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