Privatization of long-term care homes


A Green House dining room (copied with permission)

In June, CARP Ottawa submitted a letter to the editor, the Ottawa Citizen (unpublished) on the controversial topic of privatization of long-term care homes.

Politicians need prodding on care for our seniors – Mohammed Adam – June 21st.  

Mohammed Adam does an excellent job of capturing the salient points of the event last Saturday – the screening of the poignant NFB film, Stolen Time.   Click here to read the article

The privatization of long-term care homes has been a hot topic for years, escalating dramatically during the pandemic. Although there have been countless debates and published articles by researchers and experts in the field, we have yet to hear from either the large private chains operating so many of Ontario’s homes or the Ontario Government, not even to the Government’s own Commission’s report re a potential solution.

The Ontario government’s Independent Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission addressed the for-profit home issue in its carefully thought-out Report tabled on April 30, 2021.

It recommended that “The government should separate the construction of long-term care facilities from the care provided in those facilities……. Such a model is already employed in hospitals in Ontario.  For example, construction of long-term care homes would continue to be open to the private sector so that the capital required to construct the facilities could still be accessed. The province would pay to use the facility as a long-term care home, thereby providing a return to the investors who put up the capital to build. The province would license not-for-profit operators or for-profit operators who are mission-driven rather than dividend-driven to manage the long-term care home.”

Surely there is a way for the Ontario Government and the Private Investors to look at a potential solution.  If it is not perfect, it is at least a start.   The residents, staff and families all deserve a better quality of life and working conditions.  We need to change their institutions to homes.

As one reader rightly comments on Adam’s article, “here we are again, lamenting the same issues and not learning”.



A proposed refreshing reform for national standards

As Moira Welsh notes in her article, ‘Draft report on national long-term-care standards could shape Canadian legislation, which appeared in The Toronto Star on January 27th, 2022:  ‘The draft report on national long-term-care standards says residents must be free to engage in activities they enjoy and live in homes designed to feel quiet and safe.’

Sherbrooke Village in Saskatoon where the Eden Alternative has been implemented

“These standards can be so much more than just the basis of accreditation programs,” said Sinha, director of geriatrics at Sinai Health and University Health Network.

Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO of CanAge, a seniors advocacy group, said the report is a “significant improvement from the previous version and shines a light of hope on a sector which has long been shunted into the dark corners of policy.” “It signals an important shift in culture that has been long needed.” Click here to read more……

Hopefully the Ontario government won’t hide behind the argument of health care being a provincial jurisdiction and forego stepping up to the plate and providing leadership to endorse and make the draft national standards a reality of Ontario’s long-term care homes.  The complacency in the long-term care home sector accompanied by the shockingly long absence of providing our seniors with the kind of improvements proposed in the draft national standards cannot be remedied quickly enough.  An emotion-based model of care needs to be the foundation of an improved long-term care homes system and we need it NOW.

In the upcoming provincial election make it your business to find out how the candidates in your riding intend to implement the spirit and focus of the proposed national standards in Ontario’s long-term care home system.




New Transformations

There is lots happening on the long-term care home front since COVID -19 began. More and more people are taking notice and want their voices heard. To grow our grassroots movement and appeal to a broader audience, we are changing our logo and blog address and joining with C.A.R.P. Ottawa.

Our new and improved blog will continue to provide information about transformative culture change, innovative models and ways that you can get involved.

In the coming days look for us on facebook, twitter, instagram and if you have not already done so, become a follower of our blog!

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete” R. Buckminster Fuller