draft letter new

You can help!

Follow the 3 steps below to send an email to your local MPP and copy your local mayor or city councillor. Please copy us as well; it helps us track the level of engagement and effectiveness of our advocacy efforts.

Step 1: Find Your Local MPP

Use the following link to ➡️ [Find your Ontario MPP]
Copy their email address, and start a new email.

To: [paste your Ontario MPP email address]

CC: info@changeltcnow.ca, [include your Mayor and/or City Councillors]

Subject (main objective):
Change Ontario’s Long-Term Care Homes from ‘Institutions’ to ‘Homes’

Step 2: Copy or Download the Letter Template

⬇️ Download a copy of the letter— click here
OR click the [Copy to Clipboard] button on the email below:

Dear [MPP/Minister of Long-term Care/Councillor/MP],
As a resident in your riding, I am writing to urge your government to give priority to changing long-term care homes from ‘institutions’ to ‘homes’.
We appreciate the Ontario Government is building capacity with many, new large long-term care homes. But, where is the corresponding transformative culture change so desperately needed to improve the quality of life for the residents, staff and families?
Many other countries have successfully transitioned their long-term care homes from ‘institutions to homes’ using mainly 4 models of care: The Green House Project, Eden Alternative, Butterfly Approach and the Hogeweyk Villages. Here the focus is on: building community amongst the residents, staff and family; smaller home areas of 8-16 residents and flexible resident schedules with meaningful engagement. 
More details on the innovative models: https://changeltcnow.ca/innovative-models

Several industry leaders in Ontario, from both private and public homes, have followed suit, including the City of Toronto that is now transitioning its 10 municipal homes using a hybrid approach to care. More government support and incentives are now needed.
Reported benefits, resulting in cost savings to both homes and government are:  
• Fewer cases and deaths both pre and during COVID
• Fewer antipsychotic drugs and fewer supplements 
• Fewer aggressive incidents 
• Less staff turnover 
• Fewer staff sick days

In 2021 Ontario’s Independent Long-term Care COVID-19 Commission recommended that the government ‘promote and fund’ long-term care homes transitioning to innovative models of care.

I would appreciate receiving an update of the status of your government’s plan to promote and fund a care approach that will change Ontario’s long-term care homes from ‘institutions’ to ‘homes’. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Step 3: Personalize the Email & Send

Paste the letter into your email and personalize the email with your own words on the need for culture change in Ontario’s long-term care home system. If you and your family have been affected by the COVID-19 virus, describe the impact it had on you.

Send the email when you’re ready!
Thank you for taking the time to share your voice with our government!