Are Rules and Regulations Preventing Quality of Life?


Here’s what some are saying:

NDP Health Critic, France Gélinas (MPP Nickel Belt): Long-Term Care Home inspections fall short.  Gélinas, stated that “some homes are really not meeting quality care and need the government oversight to protect people.” Click here for January 10th article in the Ottawa Citizen by Elizabeth Payne.

Candace Chartier, CEO/Ontario Long-Term Care Association: “in long-term care, 95% of administration burden arises from meeting legislated obligations directly related to superfluous care planning documentation and responding to inspection requirements, both of which divert staff time and resources from the provision of direct care.”

Lisa Levin, CEO/AdvantAGE Ontario: “Long-term care is the most over regulated sector in Ontario with 600 regulations”.

Administrators:  trying to comply with all the regulations prohibits the implementation of innovative care that would benefit residents directly.

A family member: I saw a staff who was handing out medication. She stopped to help a resident who fell and was then chastised for leaving the medication tray unattended.

If these 600 regulations and the extra 100 inspectors have not managed to improve our long-term care home system by now, they never will.  Don’t you think it is time for a transformation – one that promotes a better quality of life for residents as opposed to more rules and regulations?

What do you say?  Please tell us what you think – we would love to hear from you.

And share this with your contacts or anyone you know who may be interested in improving the way care is delivered to the 70,000 residents now living in our long-term care homes in Ontario.

6 Replies to “Are Rules and Regulations Preventing Quality of Life?”

  1. As an administrator in LTC, I was appalled by the fact that the inspectors never asked about our palliative care program, our dementia program or unique initiatives to improve quality of life of the residents.

    1. Marilyn,

      We agree this is not right. This is the problem with those who have too many boxes to tick off and not enough interest in what is being provided to residents.
      Thanks for taking the time to send in your comments. We need to keep pushing for fewer boxes and more caring.

  2. The fact is that by law they are not following through with inspections. If this is the cause of the reduce quality of care then more staff needs to be added. Yes, transformation is required but we need some quality control and monitoring.

    1. Susan,
      We agree there definitely needs to be checks and balances and quality control. And generally speaking there is a need for more staffing. However, Ontario seems to be over the top in terms of being risk adverse and punitive to long-term care homes. Imagine how many front-line staff could be hired with the dollars saved from upteen – well over 100 we imagine – inspectors!

  3. Has it occurred to anyone that improved staff to resident ratios and well thought out staffing assignments as well as managerial division of duties might be a solution?

    1. Sandra – your suggestions are very valid and are, in fact, a part of the philosophy of many of the innovative models we are highlighting. But it is not just more staff but has to be the “right” staff so empathy training and culture change for the homes are critical as well.
      Thanks for taking the time to send in your comment.

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