At the end of July 2020, the Ontario Government announced the creation of the Independent Long-term Care COVID 19 Commission.
The three commissioners appointed to the Commission are:
Angela Coke, former senior executive with the Ontario Public Service; and
Associate Chief Justice Frank N. Marrocco (Chair), member of the Superior Court of Justice since 2005;
Dr. Jack Kitts, recipient of the Order of Canada and recently retired as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Ottawa Hospital.
“The Commissioners of Ontario’s Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission have a mandate to investigate how and why COVID-19 spread in long-term care homes, what was done to prevent the spread, and the impact of key elements of the existing system on the spread.” The Commission will have a secretariat of 12 FTEs (full-time equivalents) and will submit its report by April 30, 2021. For more information about the Commission including its Terms of Reference and guiding principles, go to: https://www.ltccommission-commissionsld.ca/about/index.html
Many thanks to those of you who sent letters to your MPP’s and City Councillors as a result of our last post. Your help makes a difference! CARP Ottawa, with whom we continue to work, subsequently sent letters to both Minister Fullerton and the Commissioners requesting that recommendations for transformative culture change be developed.
This Commission does not address the current issues that should be dealt with now.
I have had to go to the MOH Family ActionLine and Ombudsman to obtain compliance with the directives .
The facility Administration has been obstructive, demeaning, and unwilling to advocate for their residents.
So far , it has been a thoroughly unpleasant experience.
I am considering legal action.