The Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care Staffing Study Advisory Report, released on July 30, 2020, identified a number of challenges to the current staffing strategy for long-term care. Apart from workload and funding issues as well as increased acuity needs of residents, the Report also identified that “the culture of long-term care is one based heavily on compliance, which can create a punitive environment for staff.”
Their recommendation states that, “The culture of long-term care needs to change both at the system and individual level.” The Report calls for a look at the philosophy of care within long-term care homes and specifically cited models of transformative culture change such as the Butterfly model and the Eden Alternative as models of care which focus on emotional care and relationship building. The Report’s findings indicate that “Operators reported that their staff frequently request working in homes that have implemented emotional models of care as they feel better supported, more collaboration within the team, and are able to spend more time with residents. (Region of Peel Long-Term Care, Submission to the Staffing Study Advisory Group 2020)
For more information about the Long-Term Care Staffing Advisory Report click here
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Thanks to Grace Welch from the Champlain Region Family Council Network who was a member of the Staffing Advisory Committee.