It looks like Peel Region’s initiative is continuing to have a positive influence. First the City of Toronto followed suit and now Primacare Living has decided to bring the Butterfly Program to St Catherines, Brampton, London, and near Hamilton according to the October 24th Toronto Star article.
Could we be on a roll? If so, why is nothing happening in Brantford, Ottawa, Kingston, North Bay and other cities in Ontario?
And as we have highlighted in previous posts, it does not necessarily have to be the Butterfly Model! Moira Welsh, the Star reporter, did research on other innovative models and stated “The Green House Project and Eden Alternative – both created by American Geriatrician Dr. Bill Thomas – share similar philosophies that favour small homes, social interaction and friendships between staff and people in their care.”
Let’s get going folks! Now that the Municipal Elections are over in some provinces, you can send letters asking Mayors and City Councillors to champion transformation in one of the long-term care homes in your region.
You can help by sharing our blog with your contacts and encouraging them to be followers. Also, please share on your Facebook/Twitter accounts if you have them.
If we do nothing, nothing will change.